
New Bluebikes pricing beginning in April

Bluebikes memberships help us make cities more sustainable. To support our system expansion in the Boston area, including new ebikes, we’re increasing membership prices on April 11. We’re also simplifying our overage fee pricing structure, so you’ll only pay for what you use.

So, what’s changing?

Membership fees

  • The Annual Membership will increase to $133.50/year.

  • The Monthly Membership will increase to $30.50/month.

  • No changes will be made to the price of the Income Eligible Annual Membership, Monthly Membership or Boston Pass.

Overage fees

  • Single Trip rides over 30 minutes will now be $0.25/min instead of $4.00 per additional 30 minutes.

  • Adventure Pass rides over 2 hours will now be $0.25/min instead of $4.00 per additional 30 minutes.

  • Member rides over 45 minutes will now be $0.10/min instead of $2.50 per additional 30 minutes.

  • Income Eligible rides over 60 minutes will now be $0.07/min instead of $2.00 per additional 30 minutes.


Per minute fees will not change for ebikes. They will continue to be:

  • $0.25/min for all Single Trip rides and Adventure Pass rides.

  • $0.10/min for Annual and Monthly members.

  • $0.07/min for Income Eligible Annual members and Monthly members.