
It’s a two-way street. As a Bike Angel, you ride bikes from crowded stations to those that are running low on bikes, making the system work better for everyone. And in return, those rebalancing rides will add up to sweet rewards.

Remember to update your app to the latest version on the App Store or Google Play Store).

Rack up points on the daily

Becoming a Bike Angel is easier than you think. Once you sign up and start seeing points on your Bluebikes map, it’ll take just a few seconds of quick math to see how you can make the ride you were already going to take — to work, coffee, yoga in the park — earn you rewards.

Gimme the skinny

Get in: Become a Bike Angel in your Bluebikes app.

Get going: Find a crowded station and grab a bike. Next, spot a station that’s looking low on wheels and needs a Bike Angel to dock a bike ASAP.

Get rewarded: After completing a few rebalancing rides, watch the points add up.

Earn points and rewards

Every Bike Angels point you earn is added to your monthly and lifetime point totals. Pro tip: enable push notifications on your smartphone to be alerted every time you earn points.

Join Bike Angels

You can’t start earning if you don’t sign up.